Thursday, December 21, 2006

Blogger Feature or Bug: Edit link disappears and Blog unable to recognize its admin

For quite a while now I have been facing problems with my Blogger blogs and layout editor. Every time I edit a widget and save the changes the edit link for that widget disappears from the layout. To understand what I am referring to have a look at the two images below.

Once I update the "Subscribe | Syndicate | Bookmark" widget the edit link disappears. I actually have to click on the page elements link to reload the layout editor which is very irritating. I have not heard anyone else complain about this so I wonder if only I am facing this problem or if this is some cool new Blogger feature that I don't understand :)

Not just this, for some strange reason, my blogs don't identify me as the administrator even if I am logged into blogger. There is a possibility that the widget quickedit links are not shown as I might have messed up some code in the template. But that's not the case as I don't get to see those links even in any new blogs (where the HTML has not been touched) created by me. Anyone else facing this problem? Anyone has any suggestions?


Unknown said...

Vivek, I see the first problem in my blog too. It's got to be a bug.

Unknown said...

I experience the "Edit" Link problem too...

VOX said...

Yes the first problem you described happens to me as well.

Alejandro Morán said...

So do I

Rangga said...

me too me too!

Brainiac said...

I also in Firefox. And in worse IE, it does not load the page of widget, gives error.

Vivek Sanghi said...

@ all:

Thanks for stopping by responding to this post. I think Blogger must look into this. I am sure that they should have read my post by now.

What scares me is that why is no one facing the second problem that I described here :)

Vishwas Krishna said...

To resolve the "Edit" link problem , only thing you have to do is to refresh the page.

Vivek Sanghi said...

Hello Seagull. Thanks for stopping by. I am aware that refreshing the page resolves the problem but that's temporary. Once you update the widget again, the link will disappear again and that should not happen as it make blog modification pretty irritating. Refreshing the page after each update may mean a lot of wait for people esp on slow internet connections. This is a bug that Blogger might want to look into. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

The same problem with me but i just ignored it till now ..
I also face another problem...Even if i have added "quick edit" link to my posts, this editing ikon (i guess its pencil) dosen't show up on IE 7 and FF (but i can quick edit posts in IE 6)..does anyone experienced similar problme?

Unknown said...

"Refresh" isn't working for me. I am unable to add any elements.

Vivek Sanghi said...

Hello munnacircuit. Its strange that you are unable to see the quick edit pencil in FF and IE7. Blogger interface is most compatible with FF. May be you are facing the same issue as I am. Your blog is unable recognize that you are the admin even if you are logged in through IE7 and FF. I wonder why it works in IE6. It never worked for me.


You can click on the "page elements" link on the top to reload the page. If you were unable to add page elements it could be a temporary problem. Just log into your account after some time and it will work. I had experienced such issues a few days ago.

Unknown said...

Thank you! It worked!

Unknown said...

Actually, it is NOT working...again. I have no "add an element" buttons anymore. I have also tried refreshing my cache, but that doesn't seem to help!

Vivek Sanghi said...

Mari, can you send me a screen shot of the problem you are facing. Use print screen button on your keyboard to capture the problem image, then go to a pic editing software like paint and simply paste it in there. E-mail the pic to me with statement describing your problem so that I understand it completely.

Vishwas Krishna said...

You are right Vivek, refreshing is just a temporary solution. Blogger has to take a look into this problem, but it is strange that you are facing the Admin problem, I have never faced such a problem.

Vivek Sanghi said...

Yes Seagull. Actually no one else has faced this Admin problem. Only I seem to be facing it. I wonder why coz I have not modified any admin code in my template and the main admin code is at the blogger end and not visible to blog users. Hence, this is some thing very strange.

Aditya said...

Ok, apparently I'm very late responding to this, but here goes.

The 'edit' link disappearing doesn't have to be a bug. I think it's a way for you to keep track of which widgets you've changed in a particular session. If you refresh the page, the link returns.

Secondly, the quick edit link disappears only when you don't log into Blogger for extended periods. The cookie self terminates. This is I think to prevent wrong usage of your account. A simple remedy to this is to keep the dashboard open in a tab (it looks better now, so you can ;) )


prathik said...

i sometimes face the sce problem the first one is now fixed

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