Thursday, June 22, 2006

Dance Bars Reopened

It is good to know that the dance bars have been reopened. I think this was a quality and realistic decision by our judicial system which otherwise resorts to utterly failed attempts at moral policing and cultural conditioning of the masses (not to forget the role of the polity in pushing the judiciary).

Whether the dance bars are open or closed, the prostitution business will not be largely affected. Nor will anybody be able to stop the girls working there from getting into prostitution because the system lacks that ability. Moreover it is the men who run the system and it also the men who indirectly run these dance bars and prostitution. Prostitution is one of the most organized businesses in our country (put some of the big players on test and they might just get an ISO 9000 or other such certification) and only lacks a legal sanction.

It will be impossible to remove it from our society because it’s the society that created it in the first place. How can I say this? A few months ago there was a report on NDTV about nude dance shows in the elite class hotels of pondicherry. They were worst when compared to those dance bars. The hordes of men who were visiting such shows were not criminals or anti-social elements but the rich, well-to-do and the middle class people who wanted to relax after a day's hard work. I am sure that it these men are asked on camera about prostitution or dance bars they will despise it and talk about how it’s a cancer to the society.

So here is the society some of us want to civilize by closing the dance bars. Ok close the dance bars and these girls will be forced to go to the private parties that many such men have on their farm houses and there the risk will much higher (if you know what I am talking about). How many places are you going to go and how many dance shows will you shut down? What media is showing is just a tip of the iceberg.

Do you think that when dance bars were closed, there were no dace bars operating out there? NO. There were definitely a few dance bars open and working as usual. Needless to say, they were able to exploit the loop-holes in our system and were undetected or may be intentionally over-looked by the keepers of law (police).

What alternatives do we have for the employment of those girls who will otherwise be unemployed if the dance bars are permanently closed. We are not able to satisfy the employment needs of the educated section itself (of which some dance bars girls may also be a part), set aside the hundreds those girls.

Government is a big joke. It’s all on papers and nothing in practical. Of the people who visit these bars there are many people from the government also. Criminals....government is full of them and most of them create all the nonsense than happens outside these dance bars, if at all.

Looking at the bigger picture, I do not think anyone is to be blamed. Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world and dance shows are not far behind. It is the biological make-up and psyche of man and frankly nothing can be done about it. The arms of law are long and iron but it is after all, blind. Even if you close the bars the show will go on.

I recommend that let the dance bars be, go ahead and legalize prostitution ss well so that some sort of order can be brought into this business and people don't have to be hypocrites. Not to forget the revenue government can make by way of taxes from all those people who are getting richer by the day from such businesses.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Good quotes

1. Crime cannot be tolerated. Criminals thrive on the indulgence of Society's understanding. - From the movie Batman begins

2. I have plumbed the depth of Human cowardice and I realized that there is only one way to be right and that is to be in power. - Georges Bedault

3. Jis ke pas power hota hai, uska wrong bhi hamesha right hota hai - From the movie Sarkar (On a similar note as quote number 2)

4. A war represents a failure of diplomacy. - Tony Benn

5. Non violence leads to the highest ethics which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages. - Thomas A Edison

6. Passion for destruction is part of how a child discovers the world - Paulo Coelho (in 11 minutes)

7. Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition. - Timithy Leary

8. A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. - John F. Kennedy

9. The promise given was a necessity of the past: the word broken is a necessity of the present. - Niccolo Machiavelli

10. Leaders don't create followers, they create more leaders. - Tom Peters

11. In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities. In the expert's mind there are few. - Shunryu Suzuki

12. The time has come to choose between what is right and what is easy - From the movie Harry Potter and the goblet of fire

I think these two are the best I have ever read:

13. Religion is the opium of the people. - Karl Marx

14. Hate oppression. Fear the oppressed. - V.S. Naipaul

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Absolutism or un-absolutism? My Views

(Follow the original discussion here)

Definitely un-absolutism.

Careful study of the ancient texts (Gita is particular) shows that the ancients had the knowledge of parallel universes and time travel (I do not imply that they were able to travel in time because I frankly don't know about that). Concept of parallel universes is an excellent point and it kind of refutes my thought and the ancient texts themselves.

"Death of a body/moksha of a soul is an absolute and death it self is the ultimate truth."

With reference to the issues like:



LTTE/Sri Lanka/India/Norway

Congress/BJP/Left Front/Third Front/The common man

There is nothing absolute and there will be no absolute because of the imperfections in intelligence (wrt mankind). The very way we have evolved, developed systems, sub-systems and setup a way of life is imperfect and "un-absolute". To elucidate this, here is a simple observation:

At the dawn of the age of reason (the time when the ape became intelligent and started calling himself man) every one was equal and today the society is divided into haves and have nots. Why?

The system and its users are imperfect.

Stephen Hawking once said that developing a theory of every thing will be like knowing the mind of god. I believe that our mission is to work for removal of imperfections and make the un-absolute absolute. However, our inherent imperfections, hypocrisy and inability to resolve/ accommodate conflict of view-point will never let that happen or at least it seems like that). When I am really pissed-off, I say "intelligence is a bane".

P.S. I am not a pessimist though I may appear to be one because nothing is absolute.

Meanings for "absolute" (ref. Perfect in quality or nature; complete, total, utter, unqualified, unconditional, unlimited, supreme, fixed.

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