Friday, September 15, 2006

How to add some thing to the post footer (blogger beta)

I have had a few people who wished to learn how I added the various links that I have in my post footer. I have written this small tutorial which I derived from my previous post about adding social bookmark hotlinks to post footer. I have written this article assuming that you are aware of basic HTML formatting and codes don’t scare you :-).

Before we proceed, I suggest you make a backup copy of your template using the feature provided by blogger or by copying the entire (enable expand widget template check-box) XML code into a text file and saving it at a secure location. Incase some thing goes wrong just copy-paste that code into the HTML section and save it.

To work with this tutorial, in a separate text file, copy your blog's template code (enable expand widget template check-box) then look for the following text in the file:

<p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'>

As the tag “suggests”, it contains the links or elements, that will be displayed in the first line of your post footer. In my case it is the author name, time stamp, comments etc till the topic(label) name. This is how the code for first line of post footer in my template looks:

<p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author'>
[Author and time stamp code]
</span> <span class='post-comment-link'>
[Comments code]
</span> <span class='post-icons'>
<!-- email post links -->
<!-- quickedit pencil -->
</span> <span class='post-labels'>
[ label code ]

Note that each element like the comments or the e-mail post icon is within the <span> </span> tag. The </p> tag at the end marks the end of that line. The code for starting a new line in the post footer will be:

<p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'>
[your code]

I have not used the “span” tags and made use of the good old “center” tag to format my post footer’s second and third lines. Trial and error will show you what suits best. So go ahead and add your code to your post footers and feel free to leave a comment or e-mail me in case of any problems.


BLOmiG said...

thanks for you article : it's very clear, and useful !
i have two questions i'd like to ask you, if you don't mind :
1) is it possible to include in the post-footer a "vote" stuff for every article ? do you know a free tool which does that ?
2) is it possible to give any one who comments your post the possibility to be notified by email when a new comment is posted...?

thanks, and please excuse my bad english speaking


Vivek Sanghi said...

Hello Lomig. Thanks for stopping. Answers to your questions:

1. Try
Avatar at Bloggeratto is using this. Check it out.

2. Yes. Ramani from Hackosphere teaches you how to do just that.


Anonymous said...

i liked ur blog very much . u got a lot of things on it. I want to add a Menubar to my blog : just like urs. can u plz help me to do that. plus i also wud like to knw how to view my sms sending option into a frame so that it don't go back to other sites or a system where it;ll come back to my blog again. Plz mail me and let me knw at thanks

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This work is licensed under a
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However, prior permission is required before you can display any content from this blog on your site. The author reserves the right to demand removal of such content at any time for any reason. (Not applicable for back-linking)
Note: The author is not responsible for any loss of data or damages to your homepage as a result of using the hacks suggested here. Please observe all necessary precautions while modifying template code.

© 2006 Vivek Sanghi a.k.a Stubborn-Fanatic